Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An extra dimention in a sheet and bubbling universe

How do you look at the tiny little white spots in the night time sky being a human being? Do you realize how mico a DNA or even a quark or quirk is? Yet, indefinately those break down to even eventually energy.

Peering into the night time shy, without a telescope I see without a fixed object to illuminate a solar body or star or galexy... I can see. And, what is it that I see? Do I see two forms of energy, and two forms of vacuums, one empy and completely void and the other filled with mass?

Propose a question to yourself of mass that you can not see yet enevitablly exists without any illumination. It is there, unreflective and can only absorbe.

energy defines everything in the known Universes, and inbetween the Universes. The primal Theory of two very likly Universes is thus, Universes in sheets of paper with less of inbetween, vacuums inbetween that create a friction to ignite mass and acellerate energy to create mass.

Impose this though. Everything physically known in dimentionl to a triangles inner shperical shapes, or angles in dichipering that truth to sepherical bodies of mass whether they can be seen or not.

Gravitons, pull partical and mass together. When so it's shape creates a blessed circle from all sides pulling uniforily into the same center, that is the nature of attration of gravity, things, particals with different charges regardless of size or of shape.

When you look at the moon, it is beautiful, isn't it? It's round shape no different then our sun or even our own Earth. Most NEO's (Near Earth Objects) are ina uniform spae close to a sphere, most not becasue of collisions, where that NEO awaits a body to connet with, yet gets seemingly strung along through gravity field between each mass body of masss, and it then perpells forward.

Energy never ceases to exist. if it does, it only changes shape and form; water, ice and water vapor is only one example that each human knows of. If you burn a log of mass weight in a camp fire, all ther eis left is dust, correct? So, here is a quaestion, wheere had the mass "weight" of the tree log burned in the fire gone to? In the atmosphere? It sure had,and it becomes and acellerated body of a bunch of particles that eventually absorb more heat and accellerate in the atmosphere with all other carbons, etc.

The Earth wards off, or is protected fro 100% solar radiation from the electric magnetic belt. Mars' atmosphere was desimated from solar activity too strong to sustain life any further. So how old is the human civilization, and could we had migrated from Mars becasue of the Planets destructtion? Who knows?

Look into that telescope again. Think. Think of all the mass bodies out there. each little tiny light yousee way up there in space is an object that miniturizes earth to that of a thousand times a thouns less that of a DNA cell. How many jovian planets are there that are Earth like? How advanced are other civilizations? earth in the Milkyway, we are at an edge of the Universe as composed by some scientists. How do they know wwe are on the edge of our own Universe?

Go tothe bubble theory. Everything, even the human skul and the heart are shperical in shape. A bubble from saop and water blow from a child toy houses it's own inner atmosphere seerate from the world outside of it, Earth's atmosheere, and that bubble has it's own time line of existance no different then earth or any steller body know in existance. Why spherical? Forces that are all around any object pull or push. A stick of dynamite exploding in the air and not on the ground will explode in a radius. On the ground it explodes upwards towrds the sky, yet in a vaccuum, or an adbundant atmosphere it expands uniformily in a perfect circle, as does a child's bubble blowing instrment makes a bubble the atmoshere around it encloses the solid watery bubble into a shape keeping it together by all forces around it until it collapses.

Can a Universe collapse? Can it runout of energy and loose all mass? Is the Universe like a log ina fire that burns out into ash and thenyou can not see it anymore? Are all mass bodies in space a collection of partical debris from an ignited explosion or fire tht eventually accumliated to create that log for the fire?

The Universe is as reneable as renewable energies are. It is as plain as the nose on your face. The Universe and Universes keep changing shape and form yet are known in simulair shapes and forms as how we see them and know of them today. before the Big Bang, the shpaes of the cosmos were just the same as the shapes we see today when we look through our telescopes. yet, inthe same token, becasue so we do then see there is a reverse, going back to what once was and how somethng began, like starting time all over again or reversing an order of time, or time going back wards.

Suppose all mass annilateditself from running out of energy sorta like the log on the camp fire burning out of sight and floatingint he atmosphere. It would still regroup and collace, and collect back together. In the case of all partical and nature annilation the gravity associated with all mico particles would be pulled towards a center instead of free floating. This would make an explosions from nothing that could be seen, yet what it would be is energy, energy being invisable, pulling together towards a center from all sides and exploding. The same happens sending a neutron into a heavy isatope of mico tiny size. Look at the effects! Look at the effects of a handful of platonium exploding, mass that is collected energy when looked through a microsope in different mass type, yet explosed, the energy elpodes itself, not the mass.

Canada had a power outtage from a collsionof energy going in the same direction, it was part of uper north easter USA as wwell. Energy collided and created a power outtage, adn things burnt in the area of its direct collision.

So, can we maifest our own potential difference for Global and man kind usages? It is all around us, and I am not speaking of oil or gas, it is free floating in the atmsophere, it radiates from earth, it eneters Earth from our know Sun, and we can't hold it, yet we can cultivate it. Just becasue you cannot see energy doesn't mean you cannot collect it and store it for useages.

A bolt of Lightning perhaps.... 500,000 thousand magawatts of pure energy in a bolt of lighting. Imagine taking a lightning rod and sticking it inthe ocean wher ether eis high heat and moisture just to collect a bolt of lighhtning and routingit to a battery? Route it to a vacuum like the atmoshere, an empty battery waiting to be filled up with an untucable element tha can not be seen or held to use for energy. energy storage facilities are everywhere...

A car. I sent a car design out there, was waiting for compensation. Put a generator behind the wheel of every tire of a car. Have a pre-charged battery in the car to move an electric maotor mounted under the car. Make gear ration reduction from the axles to the generators to create high rpm's in the generator to create higher energy for the batteries. Store that energy in a battery for the use of the cars electric motor to drive. Come on it is in Newtoian Physics. Anything in motion has energy and inertia. being so, becasue a car moves on a flat plain, a surface, wheeels have to trun. If those wheeels turn they can trun a generator to create current. Many generators, the more emf that can be created. Reduce mass weight, and make carbon shells for the car for a protective barrier. Thats is my invention that was intellectual property theft ina way, so I seek avenues to compensate. eventually I released it to America on behalf of my fiencee and the Globe at large. I don't have the money ineed to build it, wish I did, I know it would work. Create a higher potential difference then the hysterisis loss and reduce mass weight to be able to use the atomoble. add solar pannels for extra emf, yet with enough generators you can create more volts and amps then you need becasue the car will always be moving, that is what cars do, that move, they have energy, to move, take that movement and use generators to s=create energy.

The same can be applied to a home. One electric motor, many generators, and that one electric motor is feed by potential from one of the generators, again with gear ratio reduction to create high RPMs for mass energy creation. You can then power the trans grid lines and send your electric meter in reverse.

I have a design for hydro electrics, a dam that works under a table of water and doesn't hold water with a wall like Hover Dam. A hole in the lake floor, 3 meters, to drop water onto a water turbine, the turbine routes emf to the water pump to flush out water from the system away from pascel pressure depths. I have a few hundred of these ideas.

yet, as far as the Universe is considered, mico expalins mass macro.

Interesting Day and last night.

Me and my Love went for a walk. And oh how I am in love with her, Terri. I found someone beautiful and amlearing how I can try to make money with the disabililities I have. So, I am wishing to post a memo to inquire, ask for donations from anyone supportive, so I can Strengthen our Social Structures. Terri and I have soem ideas for Society we had developed and put together some fantastic thoughts and ideas. So, since we are trying to Strengthen this Social bond, all donations made by checkor money order, we will eventually make a web site area honoring those that had helped. being with a disability I seek donations to also write my articles and to eventually build one of my energy concepts, yet funding has to be great, and am hoping for the best in any donations recieved. Also, her and I are thinking of starting a Cancer Research fund for those cases of bile duct cancer and heart paitents. Bile Duct Cancer is a rare form of cancer and needs funding and we are accepting any and all fundings, donations for bile duct cancer for our studies. Please mail any donations by check or money order to: Patrick B. Rasmusson, 112 Earl Ave, Joliet, Illinois 60436-1417. Your help in our cause will be greatly appreciated. We are looking into starting a NPO as well for those In Society's Structures. This is to all Interested.

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

I have a Twitter Account, which is: NTSOS2772.
How do I link that to my Blog so I can bring my Twitter followers to my Blog so I can begin writing better, create traffic and make money, yet write about what is most valuable and important to Society so to speak?