Saturday, March 7, 2009

I found love

I found love, so I am not interested in any other woman now. The woman I fell in love with all the women would be proud of. A woman by the name of Terri Murdock had turned the worst guy into one of the best by personality and charecter. I have seen how a good woman can effect a man's soul. And, this woman, Theresa(Terri) had modified my personality and charecter for the better for everyone's better intrest. I don't harrass the pblic entities like I used to, I don't screeam at others like I used to, I say please and think you and had developed a welcoming spirit in my words for everyone when I am next to her side. I know I am a bit rude when I am by myself, but that is because she may be a t work. Next to her side I feel so wonderful, so accepted by another human being ... I see what respect, honor, loyalty and LOVE is all about. I realize all the mistakes that I made verbally and otherwise by being next to her. She hung on for a difficult ride while I was getting over so much of a problematic past. So... time is new, time is current... and the spirit of rebuilding must be present for the United States of America and all other Global concerns, thanks to the mind of a woman to change one man's mind for the better. I finally found a human I can trust. And, if everyone wants to pay me back since they didn't know how to in the past, they can her her with "all" of her concerns and needs to make her life smooth. One woman that looked out for a very intensely powerful guy ( may be broke myself with so much power- and know that power isn't to be misutilized-being broke helped me understand the effects of power, not to be selfish and greedy by to add justice and and give guidance and direction in the best accord possiable). If everyone can pay her back and help one woman on this entire Earth with Resect, Honor and Glory... and assist her with any financial issue (period) then I will consider being paid back for all the prior problems and the losses I incurred as a result of others. We can fix America and all the other issues, yet do know the signs and advice are out there alreay. Green Tech will help the health of this planet and diversify the energy sector and offer the science community more areas of study and developing intrest. Science is pure, science is not luck, it is pure hard fact, the bible (for those that believe) -states: "the study of knowledge is the begining of wisdom"... seems like god gave everyone all the answers long ago. Children shouldn't drop out of school... the future needs children that are capable and trained to assist the needs of technowledgy, they need thier education, this is a must. We also need to sponsor the developing funds needed to create the building blocks to sustain viable life for tomorrow as we have yet but a narrow window of opprotunity. I can assist, yet I need your help first by assisting Terri with help for all her needs, which will greatly improve my capabilities to assit with design and construcion of tomorrow.
In-the-mean time, keep your chin up and do what you can, anything you can to show that your willing to be a man or a woman that cares about yourselves and this planet. We have much cleaning to do, for the land to the sea to the sky up above... let's safely get to work "EVERYONE INCLUDED!"
I remian respectfully yours,
PATRICK B. Rasmusson